Can I Fix My Bad Credit Alone?

If you do a quick internet search for the words “credit repair’, you will get millions of results. This often leads people to wonder, can I fix my bad credit alone? Certainly, you can! It will take time and effort on your part but it is a task that is doable by the average person.

Getting A Copy Of Your Credit Report

Listen well and remember: you need a copy of your credit report. Don’t rely on secondhand information. Don’t overestimate your knowledge of your credit history by thinking you know everything that’s contained in your credit report. Really, you don’t. Approach any of the three major credit bureaus – TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Ask for a copy of your credit report. If you’re feeling particularly diligent, why not ask a copy of your credit report from all three credit bureaus?

Understanding The Contents of Your Credit Report

You should be very thorough when reviewing the items listed in your credit report. Absolutely no exception. Start from the very beginning and read on till the very last period. Mistakes can even happen with the personal information bit. If you’re Mary Roberts from Philadelphia, then why the heck are you listed as Mary Roberts from Louisiana? There’s an estimated thirty percent chance that your credit report could contain errors. Check not only your personal information but check the each reported account against your statements to ensure that what is being reported is accurate.


Be persistent and never give up. Do what it has to take to make sure that those erroneous items are removed from your record on time. Each credit bureau will have their own process for reporting information you believe to be incorrect. Follow the instructions and provide the necessary documents requested.

What if Everything is Accurate?

If your credit is bad due to legitimate financial reasons, no amount of disputing will help. Bringing up a low credit score because you were financially irresponsible or found yourself in a hardship that resulted in an effect on your credit score will take time to correct. There is no magic cure. It took time to damage your credit and it will take time to repair. It does not matter if you end up hiring a service or if you are fixing your bad credit on your own, there is no overnight solution.

A Note on Hiring an Expert

While I’m not saying that it’s better to fix bad credit with the help of an expert, there are some indisputable advantages when you hire a professional credit repair company to take over your credit problems. If you don’t have the time for it, naturally it’s better to turn over everything to a professional credit repair company. If you don’t think you have enough experience dealing with the finance people – haggling, negotiating, disputing and so on – then once again, maybe it’s time to call for 911. There are just so many things you have to do when you’re fixing bad credit that really, when you compare what you’d have to go through with the amount the credit repair company is going to charge you, it seems like you’re paying a small price indeed.


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